Proof # 4: The proof of Giving Shape

The proof of Giving Shape

If a 20,000-word dictionary was given to you and you were requested to add a word that was not in there, what must you first do to include this new word in the dictionary?

You would first have to memorize all the words in the dictionary because it is not possible to add a new word without knowing what is already there. Now, instead of a 20,000-word dictionary, suppose you were given a seven billion-word dictionary and were expected to add 350,000 new words per day, would you be able to do it? Of course not! Without using a device such as a computer, how many people would it take to get this job done? In addition, these people would be given a million different dictionaries so they could add new words each day. 100,000 words would be added daily to some of these dictionaries, 500,000 words would be added to others each day, and to some others, not a million, but billions of words would be added per day. Each word that is added does not resemble any of the words in that dictionary.

Well, is it possible to do it? If you see that this task is done perfectly, and that hundreds of thousands and millions of new words are added to each one of one million different dictionaries per day, can you refer it to coincidence? Definitely not! Similarly, a human being is a type of dictionary. If we compare each person to a word, then this dictionary (planet Earth) has seven billion words. Every human, which is a word in the dictionary of people, does not look like one another. And each day, 350,000 new words would be added to this dictionary. Yes, every day, 350,000 people are born and all 350,000 of these individuals do not look the same as anyone else who had been created before.

Is it possible for this dictionary to come into existence coincidentally and 350 000 new words to be added every day?

Scientists have discovered 1,000,000 unique species. From birds to fish, flowers to trees and from insects to animals, there are a number of species that we cannot begin to count. 1,000,000 exactly! If we compare each species to a dictionary, it means that right now, there are exactly 1,000,000 dictionaries that are distinct from one another. From these dictionaries, let us look solely at the dictionary of flies: The number of flies that are created during the spring is much greater than all people that have been created from Prophet Adam to all of those to be created until Doomsday. Now, can you imagine the multitude of words in the dictionary of flies?

And in this dictionary, no word resembles another word, as no fly is the same as another. Is it possible for trillions of flies, an amount that cannot even be expressed, to find bodies for themselves all on their own and for each one to possess a different form? Is this at all possible? Snowflakes are also a dictionary we probably will not be able to express their exact number. And in this dictionary, no word is the same as another. Yes, every snowflake is different from one another. No two snowflakes are identical. Who but God could create different shapes, all being distinct from one another, in snowflakes as big as the size of fingernails? Now let us put these dictionaries aside and solely look at the human dictionary and examine the human face, which happens to be a word in this dictionary. Even if we leave aside the head, which is an outcome of an extraordinary planning with all of its components, there are millions of probabilities for a face that can be placed on this prepared material. Among those numerous probabilities, it is definitely impossible to choose the most suitable and the most beautiful one in a way to incapacitate all minds. The material used on a person’s face is utterly simple and plain. There is only one skin, one pair of eyes, and a little hair. Despite this, if you had never seen the beauty of a face, would you have been able to imagine that a two-month old baby’s face, a beauty amidst simplicity and plainness, could be created? After drawing a face for a person, it is as impossible to draw another face for a second person. There is nothing as difficult as drawing a separate face for each one by using the same elements. For it is necessary to draw a face by leaving aside all of the faces drawn previously. Besides, the face of a person is not a simple portrait. Each organ on the face has functions that necessitate, both limitless art and limitless knowledge. Even if we were to put all these functions aside, would it not be just as perfect to create facial expressions such as a smile, worry, fear, laughter, and hundreds of others, as it is to create the face? It is difficult to fill a cup with the ocean; similarly, it is also difficult to depict the human soul in a face. A believer’s face is bright like his soul whereas a non-believer’s face is dark like his soul. Sometimes it could take years for a sculptor to give a basic statue its symmetry. On the other hand, every second four people and every day 350,000 people are being fully created with utmost easiness, Each individual has a different face.

When we see twins or triplets that resemble each other, we marvel at them. Then, we would like to ask: Which one is more difficult: to make two faces resemble each other or to make billions of people not resemble one another? Why do we marvel at the former but not marvel at the latter? Who is the creator of these distinct faces? Who is the artist who makes brilliant works of art from simple substances and whose craftsmanship perplexes the mind? Who is the one who conveys a face’s countless expressions? Who is the one who has given each individual a distinct face? Who is the one who allows the face’s organs to work perfectly? Who is the one who has taught the eye to see, the nose to smell, the tongue to taste, and the ears to hear? There is one answer to all these “who’s?’ and that is, God who is Musawwir (the Shaper)! Yes, like a person’s face, all existing creatures, from raindrops to snowflakes, golden daisies to carnations, fingerprints to eye pupils, from ants to the stars of the heavens and the particles of universes, are created in a particular face and shape for themselves. As you see, the bestowal of a distinct face on every being and for that being to not look like another individual in its species proves that God Almighty exists and He is one. His knowledge is boundless, His power is endless, and His will is unlimited.

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