Proof # 13: The Proof of Giving Sustenance

The Proof of Giving Sustenance

If you were to walk into a room and saw that a meal was set up in its center, and although the meal was not very rich: there was a piece of bread, some olives, and a glass of water, would you be convinced that this meal occurred coincidentally and that it was a lucky result of having formed by itself? Even if the entire world were to gather and say to you, “Nobody prepared this table. This table took on a form by itself”, would they be able to convince you or would you laugh away?

Of course you would laugh away because it is impossible for a table to prepare itself, even if it is a simple meal! Now let us ask this: If a simple meal cannot set up itself, then is it possible for the dinner table of the Earth to prepare itself? Yes, this world is such a guesthouse that, its surface is its dinner table and the season of spring is its bouquet. If we accept that every garden is a cauldron, then there are millions of cauldrons on this dinner table. If we accept that every tree is a pot/container, then this dinner table is filled with billions of pots/containers. Honey bees are the confectionaries of this table; the seas are this table’s warehouses of fresh meat. Goats, sheep, and cows are the fountains of milk for this table and all of the Earth’s inhabitants are the guests at this table. Can a table like this be set up by coincidence and can it be possible or every creature to find an appropriate sustenance at this table?

The surface of the Earth is such a majestic dinner table that if we had the strength to compile all edibles that are sent to Earth during the spring onto wagons, then the length of these wagons would be 130 times more than the distance between the earth and moon and would be 1/3 of the distance between the sun and Earth. To set up a train like this, we would need rails that are 40 times longer than the existing train tracks. Now let us look at some examples of the creatures that are fed at this table:

Under the condition that he can only carry two jugs of water holding ten liters at each time, a man wanting to carry 200 liters of water to the sixth floor of an apartment building would have to go down from and up to the sixth floor ten times. However, it is a mundane task for the medium-sized birch tree during the blazing hot days of summer. One birch tree carries 200 liters of water to its very top branches on a daily basis. Who is the One who provides this birch tree daily with 200 liters of water and who allows it to carry this amount of water to its very top branches?

In the forest of a beech tree farm, that covers about ten thousand square meters, there are approximately 400 trees at the heights of 25-30 meters. The water that evaporates from these trees during their growth season exceeds 2,000 tons. This water can be filled into 200 tankers that hold ten tons. Surely this water that is to evaporate passes through the roots, the trunk, and branches to a height of 20 meters.

How many workers would carry that water with how many buckets and how many times; and how much would they sweat? Moreover, think of water being carried to the top of every tree on the Earth! Is it possible to attribute these actions to a coincidence? While the absorption of water by one tree cannot be explained as being a coincidence, how is it possible to explain that the watering of all plants and trees on the Earth and the deliverance of other types of sustenance are coincidental?

The Proof of the Supply of Sustenance has encompassed all of the Earth. We could never finish counting the examples of this proof. Every creature that has its sustenance provided in a perfect way bears witness to this proof. We want to complete this proof by providing an immensely interesting example: American ants break the leaves they find and bring the tiny pieces to their nests. The ants in the nest chew these pieces and mix the green dough that they produce with the leftovers that are hidden in a tiny pouch at the bottom of their mouths. Their waste in the nest and other dead insects are added to this as well. Eventually, they acquire nutritious dough and from the rotting of this dough over time, mushrooms begin to grow.

A newly born ant lord will look for a suitable place at the time it must establish a new colony. When it finds a desired place, it will release the mushroom paste that it had previously prepared from its pouch. Following this, it will lay its eggs in the mushroom and at a later time, it will break a few eggs open. The purpose of this hard work is to safeguard the immediate access to food that is intended for the ants that are about to hatch from the eggs.

Putting all animals aside, if we were to reflect on only how the sustenance of ants are provided to them at the most appropriate time, then would it not be enough to testify faith in God?

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