6- The existence of one angel proves the existence of the species of angels.

6- If the existence of a single angel is proved, the existence of its kind is accepted.

The existence of angels is a kind of subject that when the existence of a single one is proved then the existence of its kind is accepted. Seeing a single angel is enough for accepting its kind because whoever denies must deny them all. A person who accepts one must accept of its kind, too.

Then in order to deny the existence of angels, it is necessary to deny the sources of pride of mankind, who are the prophets, saints and selected people and the others, and to deny their statements claiming that they met angels from the time of Hz. Adam (Peace be Upon Him) up to now and to ignore their statements. This is not something possible to accept for a sane person. Since this is the truth, look! Do you not see and hear that from the time of Hz. Adam (Peace be Upon Him) up to now, thousands of people whose place and time are different, declared that they met angels and what they said and informed about have been found consistent. Since a person’s meeting with a single angel is enough to prove the existence of all angels, how else can the agreement of thousands whose agreement on falsity is not possible on the same subject  be explained but by the existence of angels?

Is it all possible that, not a single angel is seen apparently, witnessed certainly and their existence is not perceived but there is a consensus and agreement on this issue and this agreement can continue in all ages?

Is it all possible that a groundless apprehension and a false assumption can exist, continue and survive in all human revolutions and beliefs of all humans? Is it all possible that the acknowledgement that was constituted by the consensus and agreement of companions of religion is not a belief which is based on observation and evidence? Is it all possible that this great agreement is not based on infinite signs, observations, and events but judged by only imagination? Is it all possible that the existence of angels whose news was given by prophets and saints, who are the suns, stars and moons of humanity, in a way of tawatur (definite way) along with a spiritual agreement and witnessing can cause suspicion? As we have expressed before, they are the experts of this subject. It is well known that experts are preferred to thousands of ordinary people. Besides, they are experts on this issue. They are preferred to people who deny.

In short: When the existence of a single angel is witnessed in the course of time, it proves the existence of all of them. How else can the agreement of thousands whose agreement on falsity is not possible on the same subject be explained but by the existence of angels since it is enough to prove the existence of all angels even a single person’s meeting with a single angel? So, this proves that the existence of angels is right and true!

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